Saturday, March 26, 2011

my return from nowhere

it's been a while since i have posted...{ as i am sure you noticed}
i should have a grand story about where i have been, but i haven't been doing much of anything to be honest {i know. boring}
i spent my spring break in manhattan getting some things done with a few small day trips thrown in to topeka and kc

i did a little shopping: i got new running shoes and a few odds and ends for europe {yay}
i went for a few really great runs: loving trails these days, but it needs to dry up and warm up!
i researched and read: a little for my thesis and a little reading for class {wish i could start a new book for fun}
i did some cooking: mostly grilling with lots of veggies

all in all i had an enjoyable week and avoided spending {too much} money ... now i am looking forward to the weeks to come: i am ready to get busy with school and finish projects and for the weather to go back to the beautiful way it was last week {i am over winter}

Thursday, March 10, 2011

sing to the mountain

:i miss:
:going fishing
:sleeping uncomfortably in a tent
:making campfires {for warmth and sometimes just because that's what you do when you go camping}
:being in the wilderness with family and friends and talking {really talking} without cell phones, computers or the tv to distract us
:not showering for days at a time {and not feeling bad about it}
:mountains: i could really use a good hike

i am determined to go camping {several times} before i leave for the summer.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

indecisive {weather}

the rain made me happy today
it reminded me that spring is that much closer...

and later i looked out of the classroom and saw snow...
that didn't make me happy...

...winter needs to go on vacation {so do i}

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

march on

today has been such a beautiful start to march 2011.

this morning i woke up to a cup of hot coffee and a spinach and roasted red pepper omelet {prepared by my brother trevor..aww}

after classes i took my time wandering around campus and was actually quite productive...

i got back home and thought to myself i cannot be inside right now...

and so i went to the old stadium to run some steps ... {ouch} ... the sun felt amazing

next on the agenda: fix car brakes, make yummy dinner, go to my night class {i get to watch a movie}, and then some girl time to end the day.

{march on}